The HORROR Show is our Premium Experience and what makes Fear Factory so infamous! Expect True Terror around every turn as REAL Performers lye in wait for you, in the darkness. We use the latest Special FX with all the automated maze animatronics to get under your skin and SCREAMING to the rooftops. Bring a spare pair of pants – it’s. that. SCARY.
The Haunted Tour gives you a chance to explore our attraction at your own pace using a UV/Red-Light Torch. There are no actors on these tours but don’t underestimate it. Our Haunted Maze still has plenty of Fun & Frights waiting for you in the dark corridors
Please use your discretion as to whether or not our activity is appropriate for your children. Fear Factory is a Scary Experience regardless of the Tour you choose so do think carefully regarding to how your children might react.
Children 12 or under must be accompanied by a Parent and/or Guardian. If you’re 13-16 years old you’ll need a Parent or Guardian’s permission to do the Horror Show if they are not entering with you. We will accept Verbal Confirmation via phone-call. Children Younger than 7 can take part in The Haunted Tour but do keep in mind, it is still quite scary.
We regularly accommodate School Groups and host Corporate Functions! We offer discounted rates to groups of more than 10+ people.
To make an inquiry for your party please email – queenstown@fearfactory.co.nz
Courage. You’ll need it! Also, please ensure you’re wearing closed toe shoes. If you have any loose items you can store them with us in the Reception Area.
We have storage for Bags, Jackets & Jumpers in house. Also, we recommend removing Winter Coats – it gets Hot & Sweaty in our Haunted Hallways.
Please make our Staff aware of any Medical Conditions you may have:
- Epilepsy
- Dislocations
- Head Injuries
- Artificial Limbs
- Back Injuries
- Eye Conditions
- High Blood Pressure
- Hearing Conditions
- Asthma
- Neurological Disorders
- Pregnancy
These conditions may not prohibit you entering the attraction it is best to confirm this with our staff on the day of your arrival. We do not recommend the experience to those who’re pregnant. You assume all risk involved in the activity.We have changed our operations to suit Covid guidelines. Our experience is now contactless and we’ve increased our cleaning procedures to ensure your safety. -
Most people should be able to experience the fun and frights of Fear Factory Queenstown. Walking Sticks and Crutches are NOT recommended. Our staff have experience in guiding visually and audibly impaired customers through the maze so if you do need assistance don’t hesitate to ask.
Unfortunately those in a wheelchair will be unable to enter the attraction. Our reception area is on the first floor and We do not have a elevator.
Spectators can wait on allocated seating in reception and listen to all the SCREAMS! You can view the groups photos and videos as they progress through the maze.
Our Scare Snaps are some of the most ICONIC New Zealand has to offer! You can pick up a pack that includes Digital Copies, and your Video.
If you missed them when you were in the store, we keep pictures on our server for 3 months so feel free to call or email us.
Yes you can but we recommend you team up. It’s more fun with frightened friends!
We are a Walk-Through Experience. Find your way through the attraction with your friends at your own pace following a trail of red lights or arrows for guidance
Allow 30 minutes for the experience and add 5 minutes for your pants to dry.
If, during our LIVE Show you choose not to continue you can stop and SCREAM – “I CHICKEN OUT! one of our ghouls will come to take your group directly to the exit.
If you want to leave the attraction early during our Self-Guided Tours then simply follow the exit arrows and you’ll come straight to the exit.
You are then added to our Chicken Lists!